EBRD – UKEEP – Ukraine Energy Efficiency Project

UKEEP – Ukraine Energy Efficiency Prog
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development places special emphasis on supporting investments, which improve energy efficiency or promote renewable energy. In this context, EBRD established a dedicated credit line for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in Ukraine aimed at end-users in the industrial sector.
The Ukraine Energy Efficiency Programme provides loans to the Ukrainian Participating Banks „PBs“, which will on-lend the funds to end-users for industrial energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Approximately 100 million € of sub-loans will be extended by PBs under the Facility.
In order to overcome the various barriers to such investment, the EBRD mobilised technical assistance funds to support the Programme. The Energy Efficiency Experts – EEE – focus on evaluation of projects from a technical perspective and help end-users design projects through energy audits, environmental, health and safety audits and business plan preparation. The objective of the Energy Efficiency Experts is to assist individual prospective sub-borrowers identify sustainable energy opportunities, conduct energy and environmental audits and assess technical and economical feasibility of the identified projects. To achieve the set goal two audits have been carried out.
BLUESAVE carried out several audits in the Ukraine together with the Energy Efficiency Experts from ALLPLAN. The samples have been analysed in laboratories and the results compared with the Ukrainian environmental guidelines, which are in some respects harmonised with the EU-regulations and environmental legislative.
Energy Audit analysed:
- Current energy supply and energy usage
- Assessment of already implemented energy saving projects
- Assessment of the energy saving opportunities
- Profitability plan
- Results and saving audits
- Rational energy utilisation plan
Environmental and Health and Safety Audit gathered data about the:
- Environmental management and environmental legal compliance
- Site setting and sensitivity
- Soil and groundwater contamination
- Air pollution
- Water supply and waste water discharge
- Material handling, storage and transport
- Waste management
- Health and safety aspects
Based on the gathered results, potentials for improvement have been elaborated and measures to be set in place defined. The gathered information will serve for future planning of investments and project implementation.
According to the definition of the European Commission (“Integrating environmental concerns into development and economic cooperation”, Brussels, 1999) an environmental audit is “A management tool comprising a systematic, documented, periodic and objective evaluation of how well a project, organisation or equipment is performing with the aim of helping to safeguard the environment. The audit should facilitate management control of environmental practices and assess compliance with policy objectives and regulatory requirements.”
In diesem Projekt erbrachte Leistungen
Best Practice Studies
Educational Programme
International Market Studies
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