ÖKB – Market Analysis – Remediation of Contaminated Sites – Slovak Republic

This market study was finished in December 2000 and was financed by the Austrian Ministry of Finance.
The partners in the project were:
- KWI Project Development & Consulting GmbH, St. Pölten, Austria
- Civil Engineer Ringhofer, Vienna, Austria
- Hydro-Engineers GmbH, Krems, Austria
The study targeted at identifying special market segments and competitive advantages for Austrian companies working in the field of rehabilitation of contaminated sites including restructuring and development of industrial zones.
The main work packages were:
- Analysis of the legal structures
- Analysis of socio-economic background conditions
- Analysis of competitors
- Analysis and assessment of the market potential in the defined potential sectors
- Identification of projects and potential investors
The study also comprises a recommendation for a strategic market entry for Austrian consultants as well as suppliers, engineering companies and operators of waste management facilities, with short, medium and long term perspective.
„Deserted industrial zones in CEEC not only need environmental impact assessment but also intensive socio-economic consideration. We can learn from successfully implemented programs against commercial blight syndromes in the US and in EU countries, but will still have to adapt them to the special situation in CEEC.”
In diesem Projekt erbrachte Leistungen
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